What Is It About IQ That’s Still Grabbing Eyes In 2023?

The "g factor," or general intelligence factor, is a concept in psychology and intelligence testing that refers to the idea that intelligence is not just a collection of specific abilities or skills, but is instead a single, overarching factor that contributes to a wide range of cognitive tasks. The idea of a general factor of intelligence was first proposed by psychologist Charles Spearman in the early 1900s, who noticed that people who performed well on one cognitive task tended to perform well on other tasks as well. He called this the "positive manifold," and argued that it was evidence for a single, general factor that underlies all cognitive abilities. Since then, man y intelligence tests have been developed that attempt to measure the g factor. These tests typically consist of a variety of tasks that assess different cognitive abilities, such as verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, and working memory. By analyzi ng the pattern of scores across these di...