Re: “Who Would Dare Remake 'Lolita' in the Age of #Metoo?”

[Content Warning: includes references to sexual abuse of children and minors] A few months ago, I noticed an ad in the form of a question while reading a piece by Uri Klein from Haaretz about how The Big Lebowski earned its cult status . After hanging with Walter, Donny and El Duderino I rushed back to check on this Lolita crack. I clicked the damn link and landed on the top headline with a picture from Kubrick’s adaptation. Who Would Dare Remake Lolita in the Age of Me Too? There’s so much fresh blood in the industry being overlooked— directors with enough don’t-give-a-fuck-itude to shred the whole tired narrative down to splinters that I’d be surprised by anyone who wouldn’t dare. Let’s be picky, since we can afford to be. What would Lolita look like with an arrangement crafted by an unconventional director? A female horror director? For your consideration: Jennifer Kent . Her film, Nightingale, showed the complicated inner dynamic of a woman who carries...